Our expertise

Structuring Technological Projects

We guide technology companies in structuring their projects from a tax perspective, choosing the optimal architecture and identifying relevant tax incentives such as the Research Tax Credit (CIR), Innovation Tax Credit (CII), and support for young innovative companies (JEI). We also maximize tax benefits related to commercial real estate and select appropriate compensation strategies for founders, including crypto or equity incentive tools (BSPCE, stock options, BSA).

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E-commerce and Collaborative Economy

Tax advice for companies engaged in e-commerce and the collaborative economy, providing strategies to optimize tax obligations while supporting innovation and growth.

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Tax Residence Management

  • International Mobility Support: Comprehensive support for individuals considering a change in tax residence, including expatriation and impatriation.
  • Tax Transfer Planning and Security: Strategies to anticipate and secure the tax aspects of residence changes, optimizing benefits while minimizing tax risks.

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Financial Innovations and Crypto-assets

In-depth expertise in Initial Coin Offering (ICO) projects, real estate tokenization (issuance of tokenized bonds or real estate crowdfunding), token drops and private token sales, and crypto-asset portfolio management. We also advise on the creation and management of centralized (CEX) and decentralized (DEX) exchange platforms, as well as the development of economic models such as Play to Earn (P2E) and payment service providers.

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Web3 Tax Expertise

  • Tax Treatment of Digital Activities: Advice on the tax implications of trading, mining, staking, lending, and farming of crypto-assets.
  • Gaming and NFTs: Tax assistance for gaming activities and transactions related to NFTs, including the sale, donation, and inheritance of digital assets.
  • Tax Returns and Optimization: Assistance in preparing tax returns and tax optimization to maximize benefits while ensuring compliance.

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Need advice?

Our firm is available to answer all your questions and advise you on resolving your situation.

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Why choose Beaubourg Avocats?

In-depth Sector Expertise

Our lawyers combine a deep knowledge of tax law with technical expertise in the technology, crypto-assets, and digital economy sectors. This dual competence allows us to propose innovative tax solutions perfectly adapted to the most cutting-edge projects.

Customized Tax Solutions

We believe that each client is unique. That’s why we develop tailor-made tax strategies that not only meet regulatory requirements but also actively support your business and innovation objectives.

Comprehensive Support

Whether your activities are rooted in France or extend internationally, our team accompanies you with expertise that crosses borders. We help you navigate the complexity of multiple tax systems, ensuring optimal management of your tax obligations and benefits worldwide.

Proactivity and Commitment

Our proactive approach means we constantly work to anticipate changes in tax legislation to adapt your strategies accordingly, ensuring you always remain compliant and competitive.

Complete Support

From initial planning to the implementation of tax structures, and including defense in case of tax disputes, Beaubourg Avocats is by your side at every step. We provide continuous and reliable support, ensuring that all tax aspects of your operations are covered.

Discover how our tax law experts can transform tax challenges into opportunities for your business today!