Our expertise

Assistance in Obtaining MiCA (Markets in Crypto-Assets) Approval

Cutting-edge expertise to guide you through the process of obtaining MiCA approval to operate in crypto-asset markets in the European Union. We assist you in preparing and submitting your application to the AMF to ensure compliance with new European regulations. We help you secure your operations and protect your investors by ensuring that your activities meet all regulatory requirements.

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Innovative Financing

Unique expertise in Initial Coin Offerings (ICO), Security Token Offerings (STO), and regulation of Digital Asset Service Providers (DASP). We guide you through the regulatory specificities of these new financing methods, offering tailored legal solutions to maximize your operations while remaining in full compliance.

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Gambling and Gaming Regulation

Specific expertise for online gaming operators, including areas of gaming, play-and-earn, and metaverses. We offer strategic advice to navigate complex regulations and procedures for obtaining approvals, certificates, and accreditations from the National Gaming Authority (ANJ).
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Registration and Approval of Financial Service Providers

Support in registration or approval procedures with competent authorities for entities such as Digital Asset Service Providers (DASP), Payment Service Providers (PSP), Crowdfunding Service Providers (CFSP), Investment Service Providers (ISP), and Intermediaries in Miscellaneous Goods (IMG). Our lawyers assist both local and international clients in aligning with French and European regulations.

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Contractual Documentation and Compliance

Drafting of essential documents such as Simple Agreements for Future Tokens (SAFT), Whitepapers, and Terms & Conditions (T&Cs) for digital asset-related projects. We ensure that your documentation meets regulatory requirements while protecting your interests.
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Customized AML-CFT Compliance Program

Implementation of rigorous compliance procedures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. Our expertise includes drafting your risk mapping, designing compliance programs, and training teams to ensure constant vigilance.
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Our firm is available to answer all your questions and advise you on resolving your situation.

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Why choose Beaubourg Avocats?

Deep Multidisciplinary Expertise

Our team, composed of lawyers specialized in financial, technological, and new industry regulations, offers a holistic and innovative approach. We master the legal and commercial subtleties that shape the most dynamic and complex sectors.

Customization of Our Services

At Beaubourg Avocats, we value the uniqueness of each client. We are committed to deeply understanding your objectives and challenges to develop tailored strategies that protect your interests while fostering your growth.

Global Connectivity

Thanks to our extensive network of international partners, we ensure effective cross-border legal assistance. Whether your business takes you to Europe, America, Asia, or beyond, we are equipped to support you, ensuring global compliance and optimal risk management.

Commitment to Innovation

We stay at the forefront of regulatory and technological developments to anticipate trends and adapt our advice accordingly. Our proactive approach allows our clients to remain competitive in a constantly evolving market.

Continuous and Proactive Support

We don’t just respond to needs; we anticipate them. By collaborating with Beaubourg Avocats, you benefit from a lasting partnership and an unwavering commitment to the success of your projects.

Discover how we can transform regulatory challenges into opportunities for your business!