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Most Frequently Asked Questions

What is a dropshipping lawyer?

This is a lawyer who masters all the legal and tax issues related to the practice of dropshipping.

How can a lawyer assist you in your Dropshipping activity?

The lawyer’s objective is to allow you to exercise your dropshipping activity legally. The lawyer can also assist you with VAT applicable to dropshipping activity or in case of summons before the DGCCRF.

If you wish to engage in a dropshipping activity and open your own online store, you must first be aware of the legal issues involved in order to better understand them.

Creating an online store first requires choosing a legal structure since you will be engaging in a commercial activity, namely buying and reselling products.

This choice will have tax implications on your dropshipping activity.

To choose your legal structure, several options are available to you:


  • The micro-enterprise;

The advantage of the micro-enterprise is that it can be created very easily, a simple declaration of start of activity is sufficient.

The micro-entrepreneur status allows you to benefit from simplified accounting and reporting obligations. Indeed, simply keeping a book tracking your expenses and revenues is sufficient.

Choosing the micro-entrepreneur status assumes, however, that your turnover does not exceed certain thresholds. For the dropshipping activity, which is similar to the sale of goods, the threshold in question is 176,200€.

The status of self-employment in dropshipping is very interesting in terms of VAT exemption.


  • Commercial companies.

It is always possible to create a company to frame your activity.


These forms of companies are interesting as they will allow you to pay yourself annual dividends which will be taxed at 30%.


If, on the contrary, you wish to pay yourself a monthly salary, it is better to favor these forms, which are subject to more interesting social charges.

What are the advantages of dropshipping?

Dropshipping has many advantages, including:


  • The initial investment of a dropshipper is almost zero;
  • No logistics to manage and therefore no risk of unsold goods;
  • A wide catalog of products offered to your potential customers;
  • Significant margins.

In practice, dropshipping allows you to open an online store without any cost!

For more information, you can consult our articles specifically dedicated to dropshipping.

What is Dropshipping Law?

Dropshipping law refers to all the regulations applicable to the practice of dropshipping in France and abroad.

It mainly concerns the legal framework of your commercial relations as well as the regulations applicable to each of the parties.


Framework of commercial relations

As a dropshipper, you act as an intermediary between a supplier and a customer.

As such, many legal obligations must be respected. To do this, certain mentions must imperatively appear on your website.

These are:


Legal notices;

Special dropshipping Terms and Conditions of Sale;

The identity of the person responsible for the website;

The identity of the website host;

The registration number in the trade and companies register;

Mentions relating to the use of cookies;

Those relating to the use of personal data.

In addition to having to specify mandatory mentions on your website, be aware that several regulations are applicable.


Current applicable regulations

As a dropshipper, you are subject to both e-commerce regulations and commercial legislation as provided for in the Commercial Code.

Your customer, on the other hand, is a consumer. As such, a particularly protective regime applies to them. You are obliged to provide them with certain guarantees, provided for by consumer law and distribution law.

It is strongly advised to call upon a specialized lawyer to accompany you in this entrepreneurial adventure in order to remain perfectly compliant with the applicable legislation.

A brief reminder of what dropshipping is

Born in the United States and Canada, dropshipping translates as “direct delivery” or “direct shipping”.

The principle is to sell a product or goods that one does not possess.

It involves removing a step in the classic commercial process. Indeed, the classic commercial chain assumes that a store orders goods from a supplier to sell them to a customer afterwards.

The store in question must develop a stock management policy so that the latter are sold in the desired time and quantity.

In the context of dropshipping, the dropshipper has an online showcase. The goods are therefore always available in the eyes of potential customers. So he has nothing else to do but wait for a customer to make a sale on his site, after which the dropshipper only has to place an order with his supplier who will deliver the products directly to the customer.

The one who does dropshipping is the intermediary between the customer and the wholesaler.

In practice, it is an operation between three people: a customer, a reseller, and a wholesaler.

During this operation, the customer (the consumer) will place an order on the website of a distributor (the reseller) who transmits it to the supplier (the wholesaler) for the latter to ensure delivery and manage the stocks.

So, dropshipping is an online sales technique that will allow you to buy products on a marketplace such as AliExpress or Alibaba and then resell them on your e-commerce site, through a commerce platform like Shopify, Shopizi, or even Amazon.

Considered a real gold mine, the practice of dropshipping currently seduces many individuals.

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